Amazon Affiliate Program (Review) & How to Become an Amazon Affiliate


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The Amazon Affiliate Program

Everyday, millions of people order products online at Amazon. It has simplified the lives of consumers by allowing them to place orders online quickly and then have those products delivered to their doorstep or even inside their garage.

And Amazon has such a large selections, you can typically find whatever you are searching for at this online retailer.

It's no wonder people are excited to join the Amazon affiliate program.

This is an opportunity to team up with a behemoth in the online retail space. Or retail space in general.

Today, we will discuss the Amazon affiliate program and how to become an Amazon affiliate.

Are you ready?

Let's go!

Disclaimer: Simple Secret To Success is a participant of the ClickBank Affiliate Program and other affiliate programs. As a ClickBank Affiliate and other affiliate programs, we earn from qualifying purchases. This does not impact the price you pay.

What is the Amazon Affiliate Program?

The Amazon affiliate program is a simple way for affiliates (individuals or businesses) to promote Amazon products and earn commission for sales.

When someone clicks your affiliate link (or referral link) and make a purchase, you earn a percentage of the sale.

This can be a great program for:

  • Bloggers
  • Vloggers
  • TikTokers
  • Podcasters
  • And more!

It is estimated that Amazon has over 2 million affiliate globally. The program is not just limited to the United States so it can help people earn income around the world.

Benefits of Joining the Amazon Affiliate Program

What are the benefits of joining the Amazon affiliate program?

Well, there is quite a few, but we will stick with these 5 important benefits:


Every affiliate has different goals and priorities when it comes to working on their business or side hustle. With this program, you have more flexibility over your schedule and competing priorities in life.

Also, the products selection gives you more flexibility in what you can promote, but we'll discuss that next.

Large Selection of Products

With a large selection of products, you can easily find products related to your niche or audience. Regardless of your audience and interests, there are plenty of products to promote. With a wide range of options, you may even find some new ideas you didn't previously think about.

Well Known Brand

Have you ever heard of Amazon? Of course, right? Have you ever used Amazon? It's highly probable that you have.

That means Amazon is a well known brand. Millions of people already know, trust, and love this company.

So when you promote Amazon products, it's more likely that people will easily buy from Amazon because they are already familiar.

And they know they could look through the reviews before they buy to be sure they are making a good purchase decision.

No Inventory or Shipping

As an Amazon affiliate, you don't have to worry about inventory or shipping for product sales.

Imagine having to worry about that. No thanks!

Luckily, it's not a concern as an Amazon affiliate. Amazon handles that and they have tried and tested processes to excel in those areas.

Income Earning Potential

Of course, a main reason to be an Amazon affiliate is to earn income. Whether you are looking to create supplemental income with a business or side hustle, being an affiliate could help.

In 2020, the Amazon affiliate program generated over $8 Billion dollars in sales.

So, why shouldn't you get a small slice of that pie?

How to Become an Amazon Affiliate & Join the Program

When you are ready to join the Amazon affiliate program, you may be wondering how to get started.

Here are the simple steps to become an Amazon affiliate:

  • Go to the Amazon Affiliate Program website: Visit the Amazon Affiliate Program website at and click on the "Join now for free" button.
  • Create an account: Fill in the required information to create an Amazon account. This will include personal and business information, as well as payment and tax information.
  • Provide website information: Provide information about your website, blog, or social media channels where you will promote Amazon products.
  • Agree to Terms and Conditions: Review and accept the terms and conditions of the Amazon Affiliate Program.
  • Complete application: Submit your application and wait for approval. This process typically takes a few days, and Amazon will notify you of the outcome via email.

Amazon Affiliate Program Review - Is the Amazon Affiliate Program Worth Joining?

First, let's take a closer look at what the Amazon Affiliate Program is and how it works.

Amazon Associates is a program that allows affiliates to promote Amazon products and earn a commission on qualifying purchases made by customers that were referred through their unique affiliate link.

The program has been around since 1996 and has since grown to become one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world.

One of the main benefits of the Amazon Affiliate Program is the commission rates.

The program offers commissions on a large variety of products. The commissions are not the highest, but you have more options than most affiliate programs on what you can promote.

Additionally, the commission rates are lower so affiliates must be able to drive high sales volumes can earn a reasonable income.

Pros of the Amazon Affiliate Program

There are many reasons why the Amazon Affiliate Program is a popular choice among affiliate marketers. Here are some of the most notable benefits of the program:

  • Easy to use and navigate: The Amazon Affiliate Program is user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those who are new to affiliate marketing. The program provides a variety of tools and resources to help affiliates get started, including product links, banners, and widgets that can be easily added to websites and blog posts.
  • Wide range of products to promote: With millions of products available on Amazon, affiliates have a wide range of products to choose from when promoting on their website or blog. This means that there is likely to be something for everyone, regardless of their niche or target audience.
  • Trusted and recognizable brand name: Amazon is a household name, known for its vast selection of products and reliable service. As a result, affiliates can leverage the trust and recognition associated with the Amazon brand to help drive traffic and increase conversions.

Cons of the Amazon Affiliate Program

While there are many benefits to the Amazon Affiliate Program, there are also some potential downsides to consider. Here are a few of the most notable cons of the program:

  • Cookie duration limitations: Amazon's cookie duration is relatively short, meaning that affiliates only receive credit for purchases made within a certain timeframe after clicking their affiliate link. This can limit the earning potential of affiliates who are promoting products with a longer sales cycle.
  • Lower commission rates: Overall, Amazon offers lower commission rates, which can impact earnings potential.
  • Strict compliance policies and rules: Amazon has strict policies and rules that affiliates must adhere to in order to participate in the program. Failure to comply with these policies can result in account suspension or termination.

Making Money with Amazon Affiliate Program

Now that you know how to join the affiliate program, the next step is making money.

So, let's look a few ways you could make money with the Amazon affiliate program:

Website or Blog

You could use a website or blog to promote Amazon affiliate products. You could create articles or blog posts to help people and guide them towards solutions on Amazon.

This is typically a long-term strategy.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are another option and in some cases can be used in place of a website or blog. While websites and blogs are made up of many pages, a landing page is a single page with typically a single purpose.

Landing pages are more focused and easier to create. This can be great for flexibility and swiftness in testing ideas.

Social Media Platforms

Social Media is as popular as ever. And there are even more platforms. If you have a social media platform you prefer, that may be a good place to get started.

You are already familiar and may have some ideas of ways to promote products.

Vlogging is also a popular option under social media as many people built business on YouTube in the last decade (and the recent last 2 years).

Affiliate Marketing

You could use affiliate marketing strategies to promote products. And this could include email marketing, social media marketing, free and paid advertising, and more.

For more information, check out the free affiliate marketing training below in the list of resources.

Getting Visitors

Along with marketing and promotion, you have to either have an audience, build and audience, or be able to access an audience.

You have to get visitors to your website, blog, landing page, social media platform, and product promotions.

The best way to learn more about getting visitors is to read the book about getting traffic below in the resources list.

Here are the (free, free trial, and low cost) resources below that could help...

Tips for Success with Amazon Affiliate Program

Once you join the Amazon affiliate program, you want to keep and maintain a good relationship with Amazon.

And you want to grow your business over time.

Below are are few tips for success:

  • Focus on website or blog traffic: Focus on increasing your website or blog traffic to increase your earning potential.
  • Stay up-to-date on Amazon policies: Familiarize yourself with Amazon's policies and guidelines to ensure you're always in compliance.
  • Write helpful product reviews: Write detailed and helpful product reviews to establish trust with your audience and increase conversions.
  • Promote a range of products: Don't limit yourself to promoting only one or two products. Instead, promote a variety of products to increase your earning potential.
  • Diversify your income streams: Don't rely solely on the Amazon Affiliate Program for income. Instead, diversify your income streams by promoting products from other affiliate programs.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program Resources to Boost Income

Here are the (free, free trial, and low cost) resources below that could help...

Disclaimer: Simple Secret To Success is a participant of the ClickBank Affiliate Program and other affiliate programs. As a ClickBank Affiliate and other affiliate programs, we earn from qualifying purchases. This does not impact the price you pay.

Start Affiliate Marketing Training Today

If you are ready to get started, I invite you to join this free affiliate marketing training today.

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